December is here and although the snow is starting to come, there is not enough to cause the horses any difficulty finding forage. On our last road trip we came across this beautiful young roan filly along with her herd. The herd did have three other roans including the stallion along with some other colour variations.
It was nice to see one of our old friends again looking so well.
This is a magnificent herd stallion that we have followed for many years. He now has a nice size herd and keeps them safe well away from the main roads.
This young colt was enjoying the afternoon sunshine in a remote area. Again, well away from any main roads. This is good as it keeps them safe and secure and able to feed unhindered. Looking strong and healthy we hope the winter will be kind to all the wild horses and other wildlife.
The Feral Horse Advisory Committee is moving forward with the Horse Management Framework that was approved by the Minister earlier this fall. One of the things we do know is that an aerial count of the horses will be done again in the new year and there will be definitely no horse capture taking place this winter. That’s good news for the horses for those who want to protect them in their natural environment. WHOAS will always continue to strive for this as this has been our goal for over 22 years.
As another herd comes toward his, the wonderful stallion is on high alert just in case the newcomer tries to come too close. The stallion in the other herd was younger and knew better!
We would like to thank everyone for making our 2024 Calendar campaign a great success – we are now sold out!
All the funds raised from the sale of these calendars goes into our work to rescue, protect and save the wild horses that come under our care. The monies provide for such things as feed for this beautiful young boy. It also allows us to provide veterinarian care, including gelding and vaccinations, to assure the health and welfare of these horses. Again thank you for your support. Donations are very welcomed.