Thanks to our Supporters

Sunny winter afternoon
Sunny winter afternoon

WHOAS appreciates the fund raising supports from the Canadian Wild Horses, Cathi Betts and Lorraine Stubbs. They showed a special screening of the documentary, “Unbranded” at the University of Guelph with all donations received being donated to WHOAS. CWH have been a great supporter and advocate for our Alberta wild horses and our work to protect and save them.

A wildie colt
A wildie colt

Another fund raising event was hosted by Lynne Harrison, artist, from her Silver Tree Studio in Canmore. She hosted this special event to bring attention to the wild horses and again our work for them. Some of her wonderful artwork centres on our beautiful wild horses. Several draws were made featuring items donated by her and other artists who were in attendance with all proceeds going to WHOAS. If you are in the Canmore area, Lynne is also selling our calendars.

Last rays of winter sun
Last rays of winter sun

Along with these two events, we continue to receive your support through online donations and the purchase of our calendar. It is important to note that all monies raised does goes directly back into our work. All donations now receive charitable tax receipts. Thanks to each and every one of you.

Talking back
Talking back

With hunting season now closed as of November 30, the back country has quieted down. This is allowing the horses and other wildlife to settle into normality. This young stallion was letting us know of how he felt having his picture taken on a beautiful winter’s afternoon. Chances of viewing the horses is becoming easier now.


This young colt was quite relaxed and paid little attention to us when we were approaching his herd for photographs. With blue skies, the late afternoon winter sunshine seems to accentuate his beauty. Such a treasure!