WHOAS Fundraising Banquet

Join us on May 4, 2024 at the Olds Legion in Olds Alberta, for our Annual Fund Raising dinner for the Wild Horses of Alberta Society. Tickets are $35 per person and available from any one of our Board Members. You can also request tickets by messaging us on our Facebook page, or by emailing us at WHOASalberta@gmail.com. Tickets placed via email or messaging can be picked up at the door the night of the banquet, or can be mailed directly to you if time allows. Doors open at 5:00p.m. the evening of May 4, refreshments are available at 5:30, and dinner will be served at 6:00. A silent auction will be open for bidding throughout the evening. All proceeds of the auction will go to the feeding and care of horses housed at our rescue, and towards the maintenance of the Rescue Facility itself. We hope to see you there!