New Rescues

Blog 1

About two weeks ago WHOAS received information about two young wild horse studs that were causing a problem for a private land owner.  The two young boys had wandered onto the property and had managed to get into a pasture where they were chasing his mare and three geldings around.  We were requested to assist the owners to deal with the boys.  There is also a major highway a very short distance away and there was fear that the horses could wander onto the road, becoming a danger to the public and to themselves by maybe being hit by a vehicle.

Our first trip up to the property was to bring panels and gates in order to set up a pen to lure the horses in to.  This was done and salt and feed were put inside in order to lure the horses in.  We left after we had instructed the owner on what to do when the boys did enter the pen.

Later that night we were informed that indeed the two youngsters were now in the pen and secure inside it.

Blog 2

A team of WHOAS volunteers then went back up early the next morning in order to load the boys up and bring them back to our handling facility.  We backed our trailer up to the gate, opening the gate and doors.  The two were not panicking and took their time to look everything over.

Blog 3

The biggest thing in being able to load the horses safely is patience.  We allowed them to take all the time they wanted.  As they got close to the trailer we moved in some more panels behind them.  This prevents them from challenging it and us and maybe hurting themselves.  It is always about the safety of the horses.

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With a little bit of encouragement the boys jumped up into the trailer.  We let them settle down as we took down our panels and after they were loaded, we were all on our way.

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At the WHOAS handling facility we backed up to our pens, opened the door and let the two beautiful youngsters unload themselves and enter in to what is to become there new home for a while.  Again the two were quite calm as they wandered around their pen smelling everything and checking out what these new digs were all about.

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The whole time the horses were not excited and soon one and then the other took a good dust bath.

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It did not take them long to find the waterer, salt block and then the delicious and abundant hay.  They are safe now.  It would have been nice if the studs had remained free, but once they are on private land and WHOAS has to pick them up ,we are not allowed to turn them loose again.  The two boys will begin a new life at our facility and in a short time the gentling process will begin with our expert horse handlers.  A little later they will be gelded, wormed and vaccinated.   The gentling process will continue until they are ready to be adopted out to new homes.  As with all our other adoptees we know that they will have good life and be loved and enjoyed by their new human partners.

Please contact us at it you are interested in coming and visiting these two new amazing young boys.