It is a new year and the weather has been very kind to our wild horses. In some locations the snow is deeper than in others but it is still soft and easy for the horses to paw through to get the grass underneath. Further west there are many open hillsides allowing the horses in these areas to more readily find enough forage. It is on one of this slopes that we found one of our well known grey mares and her very young foal.

This little on was born sometime in December. Mom and baby are in excellent condition and on this day were enjoying the beautiful warm sunshine with the rest of the herd.

On our travels this day it was fantastic to see how well all the wild horses we saw were doing so far this winter.

These two beautiful mares look so picturesque against the backdrop of the west country.

Wild horse country on a beautiful, sunny winter day.

Here one of last spring’s foals is still nursing which helps it keep growing and thriving throughout the rest of the winter. Nursing foals will be weaned later on in the year.

Strong and healthy.

Another gorgeous mare peacefully enjoys this warm January day. She was watching us as she stood guard for her herd.

Further along in our travels we were very happy to find an old friend, White Spirit. We had been unable to find him for quite some time and was nice to see that he has built back up his herd. He is strong and powerful, a very mature stallion. Even against the white snow, with the sunshine hitting him, he stood out so clearly from a distance away.

Son of Raven.

This is one of Raven’s offsprings. You really wonder how either one of them can see where they are going with such wonderful forelocks and manes? Just absolutely stunning!

You may be wondering how we got so close to this bunch. Someone had put a block of salt right next to the road. Although the horses appreciate getting salt this time of year when their natural salt licks are not so available, putting the salt beside a road is extremely dangerous for the horses and other wild life that comes by. Often you hear of a horse or even another wild animal being hit by a vehicle, especially during the night. If someone wants to do this, we urge you to please put it as far away as possible from any roadway to keep the wild animals and drivers safe.
We still have a very limited amount of fund raising calendars available. WHOAS still has horses in our care at our rescue/handling facility and the funds we raise goes towards helping take care of them until we find them their forever home. We are so pleased that Fanny and Eli have been adopted. Click on the link at the top of the page to order.