Christmas and Your Wild Horses

The cold and the snow has come to wild horse country, just in time for Christmas.  Back trails are accumulating the snow now and good tires and a 4 x 4 are the safe way to go out and visit these beautiful horses in such pristine and wonderful scenery. It is nice to know that there will be no capture season this winter and the horses will be able to just be.

Although the snow is starting to accumulate the wild horses are having no difficulty in finding feed buried under it.  All the horses are in excellent body condition to endure the cold and snow. The late arrival of winter certainly helped them out.

Generally the horses are so well adapted to the cold. Their coats are thick and their body fat insults them extremely well.  Snow on their backs indicate a healthy horse.

At this time of year when the snow is not falling you’ll find the herds out in the open soaking up some sunshine.

This beautiful stallion took exception to having his herd photographed putting himself between the danger (us) and his herd. The mares and foals however, were not worried at all and kept feeding.  Even the later born foals are fat and sassy! It is so exciting to watch and visit them and enjoy the tranquility of winter scenes like this. The nice thing about a fresh snowfall is you can see the tracks of all the other animals that inhabit our west country – cougar, wolves, squirrels, rabbits, foxes and of course the ravens.

At this time on behalf of the wild horses and WHOAS, we would like to thank all our  supporters. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.