The fall season is upon us and the wild horses are busy moving around to find as much forage as they can in order to build up their body reserves for the cold months ahead. It is a wonderful time of the year to be travelling the back roads, photographing and observing our beautiful wild horses. This is “White Lips”!! She has a very distinctive white lower lip, thus her name.

This little colt is enjoying the afternoon sunshine while his family feeds around him in an open clearcut. Like the rest of the members of his herd he is in excellent condition and has grown quite a bit since we first saw him in early June.

Travelling the very dry backroads and trails this day was totally enjoyable, with the warm October sun adding beauty to the countryside and vistas. With the sun lower in the horizon at this time of year it highlights the coloring and the beauty of the horses we came across. That can be seen by the highlights shown on this magnificent roan stallion as he approached us to protect his herd. You can tell by his large neck and muscular build that he is mature and in his prime. What a beauty!

This mare has a unique facial marking and features such as this on many of the horses that helps us to be able to catalog and follow them. Two other members of her herd including the stallion had very distinctive markings as well.

These two youngsters even though sired by the same stallion show the wide range of coloring that occurs throughout our Alberta wild horse herds. As sunset neared we ended our travels enjoying the images of this beautiful herd of horses. So peaceful and tranquil and truly unique to Alberta.

We were so happy when our little orphaned colt was adopted. He has found a new home in the loving care of Amber Marshall from Heartland. Here you can enjoy a video of the day he was picked up from WHOAS rescue/handling facility. He will have a very good life going forward.
Everything that WHOAS does is funded through generous donations and especially the sale of our fundraising calendar. These funds help us to take of the horses we have had in our care and will allow us to continue to protect and save our Alberta wild horses. You can find a link on how to purchase a calendar at the top of the page. Your support is appreciated and needed. Thank you!