Supporters of the wild horses have held a couple of rallies so far this month attempting to get their voices heard about the current capture season and overall getting them better protected. There are two more coming :
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Red Deer City Hall – 914-48th Ave, Red Deer, Alberta
Come Rally with us and make our voices HERD again. This time on a Saturday!!!
The one and only goal of our effort is saving our Wild Horses. We are Canadians, Albertans, as people and a province we have come to love the Wild Horses in our Foothills. On Saturday we will unite and speak on behalf of the beloved beauties we aim to keep around for years to come, The Wild Horses.
We have asked the government questions and have not got sufficient answers.
We are concerned that NO count has been conducted since ……March of 2013 by ESRD after the flooding and record snow fall. We NEED an official recount!!!
We are concerned that scientific methods of population control are not being considered a viable solution.
We need answers regarding the steering committee and the interests that make decisions. We believe there to be a great conflict of interest here.
I believe we have been fair in the questions we have asked and we have a right to answers!
Our bottom line is…….. STOP THE CULL……… COUNT THE HORSES!!!!!
The one in Calgary is this Saturday.
Your wild horses desperately need your help to save them from the irrational and ludicrous decisions being made by the ESRD. Since this whole episode began and after hearing Premier Redford’s statements to the media yesterday, it has become very obvious that she and the Minister, Robin Campbell, are just puppets in the hands of the senior bureaucrats of the ESRD. It is like a ventriloquist’s puppet (Redford and Campbell) that seems to be talking to you when it really is just the ventriloquist (ESRD). This goes to prove that our elected MLAs and the Premier have absolutely no interest in listening to a vast majority of Albertans. Again it seems they are told what to say and how to act by these bureaucrats who have nothing to lose since their pensions are secure.
I am angry as you can tell as the ESRD seems to be listening to the companies and industries that put money into the Conservatives. Research and science are discounted as being “emotional” and disregarded. Financial gain for a few individuals and companies opposed to the free-roaming wild horses takes precedence over anything. It is evident that they care little about our living natural resources and even less about what the citizens of Alberta have to say. They just refuse to admit that they may be wrong. It is proven over and over again when it comes to environmental issues – clearcut logging, damage to our watersheds, destruction of habitat and endangering of several species of our Alberta wildlife, including the horses – there is rampant mismanagement. Why would anyone trust the government of Alberta when it talks about environmental stewardship? There is none. A sad day.
Join in the rallies if you can. Continue to email and write the Premier. Especially contact your local MLA expressing your concerns and ask for honest answers and not just a vocalization of what ESRD wants them to say. Don’t give up the fight.