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WHOAS is happy to report that our yearly 14-month fundraising calendar is now available. We have ensured that the dates are enlarged to make reading the months easier.

This is our 19th edition and we are able to price them the same as last year with the generous support of our printer, Copy Repro. The price remains at $25 which includes postage and handling, this cost is only for Canadian addresses. This is our major fundraiser for the year as other opportunities have been cancelled because of COVID-19. You can order yours now with PayPal or send a cheque to:
Box 4154
Olds, AB T4H 1P7
We can also accept e-transfers only if your mailing address is included. They can be sent to WHOASalberta@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support and interest in our efforts to further protect and save our Alberta wild horses. All funds raised goes toward our work with the horses. Your support is so important to the horses and we thank you sincerely.