WHOAS needs your help now! Please write and/or email Diana McQueen, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, to tell her that the government needs to stop the capture of our wild free-roaming horses in Alberta.
Here is a sample letter you can use – either copy it and paste it into an email to her or print it off (it’s also in a .pdf format) and mail to her.
******* Letter to D McQueen *******
Did you know . . . any time after November 1st, the government can issue capture licenses to horse trappers?
Did you know . . . 99% of all wild horses captured end up slaughtered?
Do you part. Speak out and send your emails and letters to the Minister immediately.
Here is her contact information:
Diana McQueen, Minister
204 Legislature Building
10800 – 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6
Or to her Constituency Office
5136B – 52 Avenue
Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S5
Email: draytonvalley.devon@assembly.ab.ca
Here’s the letter:
Dear Ms. McQueen,
Over the past 2 years, I understand that over 300 wild free-roaming horses have been captured with the majority ending up slaughtered. I find this appalling.
I have also found out that Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) estimates there are only 778 left in Alberta’s eastern slopes. They also admit that they are unsure about the numbers that could be sustained in this vast area.
I believe the wild horses have been an integral part of Alberta’s heritage, history and culture. They deserve to live and be part of the whole ecosystem as it exists today in our Alberta foothills.
I am writing to you to ask you to stop the capture for the 2012-2013 season. It is very apparent to me that more research needs to be done before more seemingly indiscriminate decisions are made.
Yours sincerely,
Thanks for your help.