Canadian Wildlife Magazine Article – Feb’24

Recently, Canadian Wildlife Magazine released their March April 2024 issue. Within the magazine is an article on Alberta’s Wild Horses. We were fortunate to have had our past president and founder of WHOAS, Bob Henderson, interviewed for this article. While we would stress that there is information in the article that WHOAS does not necessarily support or agree with, it is a factual article revealing the truth about the wild horse situation in Alberta, and it may illuminate some of the hurdles WHOAS has struggled to overcome with government and other interest groups when acting on behalf of the horses. The truth is, there are many interest groups who utilize the back country that the horses call home, and as is the nature of man and government, we all want to control that finite space to the benefit of our “own” interest. Finding a balance so as to serve all groups is not an easy task, requiring mutual respect, education and cooperation from everyone involved.

It has always been the goal of WHOAS to see the horses remain free and wild , living along the eastern slopes of Alberta’s Rocky Mountains. We will continue to advocate for that. We will meet with the government, we will support science and research concerning the horses and their continued population, we will continue to help the horses who find themselves in trouble and need to be rescued, and we will always look for the stone unturned that holds the key to a future involving a protected status for Alberta’s Wild Horses.